To all our customers, suppliers & contacts

Customers > To all our customers, suppliers & contacts

SOR IBERICA SAU wants to announce that all the activities of the company have been adapted to the new emergency situation announced by GOVERNMENT, respecting all the provisions that have been issued to contain this situation, following the sanitary and governmental provisions intended to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

SOR IBERICA SAU has established an action protocol that includes the preventive and organizational measures that our staff is obliged to apply rigorously.

With the collaboration of all, we continue to guarantee our activity and our commercial commitments subject to situations of force majeure that may occur and by which we may be affected.

We are constantly in contact with our suppliers in order to maintain the appropriate sourcing strategy depending on the circumstances to face events.

Given that the situation is constantly evolving, SOR IBERICA SAU is ready to take any additional measures necessary to allow its staff to carry out their work and guarantee the continuity of our service.

All sales staff will remain operational and fully available to customers in the most appropriate and safe way.

As always, we are at your disposal to expand or clarify any questions that may arise and we will keep you informed of any changes in this situation. Thank you ones mor for your trust.


Report CSR 2023 SOR


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