

SOR, Social Enterprise Award 2022 by THE NOVATERRA FOUNDATION

Thank you very much NOVATERRA FOUNDATION for the recognition On Wednesday, October 19th, coinciding with World Dignity Day, The NOVATERRA FOUNDATION – Alzira headquarters – has awarded us as 2022 Social Enterprise Award for “being the company that has employed the most participants from NOVATERRA in a situation of vulnerability”. We received this award with...
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SOR Iberica collaborate with Transportes Caudete in a new cargo to Ukraine

This week we have collaborated with TRANSPORTES CAUDETE SA who has chartered 2 semi-trailers with humanitarian aid to the border with Ukraine. All help is little in the face of no reason, A strong applause and all our respect to the people of Ukraine and their struggle for freedom for all. STOP THE WAR!  
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We collaborate with TRANSPORTES MAZO in sending human aid to Ukraine

  Humans are the only animals who lead reasons that reason does not understand. Let us trust that good judgment and diplomacy manage to overcome unreason. Meanwhile, solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine. For this reason, on Friday, March 11, a semi-trailer left for Ukraine with the rest of the cargo that Grupo...
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Report CSR 2023 SOR


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A new partnership in the refrigerated transport world
Report CSR 2023 SOR
SOR is not getting off the wagon AFS either
Generating green energy for consumption.
Trailer of the month, April, Dialsur (Musgrave)