The objective is to manufacture more and more lightweight vehicles that contribute to improve the tares – tare that has a direct impact on the payload, this one on the number of trips and these on the emissions -. In short, we seek a new stage in the world of transport where the logistics to satisfy the welfare state is an indisputable protagonist.
At SOR, we know how important this fact is and that is why we have taken a step forward to launch a much more versatile LINK trailer.
THE FUTURE IS HERE. The transport of perishable goods is undergoing a real revolution. As a result, also supported by a new and more specific regulation, smarter and more respectful vehicles are needed.

The LINK proposed by SOR has been designed with a single wheel and a self-steering axle to improve the turning radius of the vehicle.
Also, to promote: fuel savings, transport versatility, reduction in the number of vehicles on the road, reduction of emissions. Definitely, contribute to improvements in social welfare and quality of life.