Customers > Sergio Mantecón visits SOR IBERICA SA thanks to our customer Transfrigomoyano
The relationship between SCOTT and racing is so closed that one cannot be understood without the other. This 2022, SCOTT Spain and the Cala Bandida restaurant group located in Xàbia, are starting a new and ambitious project with which to continue this relationship.
The SCOTT Cala Bandida team will bring together 4 world-class national runners with the aim of continuing to fight for the top in the most important competitions on the planet. Completely focused on bike-marahton, we will also see its members compete in such booming modalities as e-bikes or gravel, disciplines where SCOTT also has benchmark bikes. Sergio Mantecón, Francesc Guerra, José María Sánchez and Marcos García will be the bikers who wear the colors of the SCOTT Cala Bandida.
At SOR, we have had the pleasure of receiving @SergioMantecónGutiérrez, Spanish athlete who competes in mountain biking in the cross-country discipline who has come to pick up the semi-trailer that our client Transfrigomoyano has labeled with the image of the team. From Sor Ibérica we wish you the best of luck. We move forward with you!

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