May trailer of the month is Chiltern Distribution LTD with no doubt

Customers > May trailer of the month is Chiltern Distribution LTD with no doubt
Trailer mes de Mayo 23

On May 10th and 11th we attended the logistics and transport meeting organized by TCS&D in Farnborough. At our stand we could see the trailer number 50th on Chiltern Distribution LTD company.

A suitably reinforced unit for the conditions that England and the United Kingdom in general require. The vehicle is equipped with TK Advancer 400 refrigeration equipment. In addition, the box is equipped with stainless steel recessed rail between two aluminum bands to protect sidewalls. Checkerboard aluminum floor, air flow channel, pallet boxs and kits, Trans-safety lock and stainless steel protections on the outside.

The chassis is equipped with a 3-sensor tailguard, durabright aluminum wheels including bolt covers. The chassis and accessories are finished with 640 blue metallic paint which makes it a simply spectacular unit.

We are very grateful to its CEO – Brian Sagaseta, for the trust placed in our vehicles. We move forward with you! Thank you for your trust!


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